Blood red tint of victory
The election season is over, my friends and fellow politicos, and we have a winner! George Bush won over John Kerry last Tuesday by a considerable margin and still, we hear Democrats doubting the popularity of the President. What happened to the army of Kerry supporters that were going to turn out in hordes in order to overthrow the evil Bush 43 regime? Either the support for Kerry was overhyped by the media, or none of the angry 18-29 year olds actually voted, as I so astutely claimed would happen in one of my former columns. Either way, the Republicans dealt the Dems a crushing blow last week and have left the Democratic Party in complete shambles and it is questionable whether or not they'll be able to recover in time for 2008.
I must admit, as much of a Bush man as I am, I was worried last Tuesday about the outcome of the election. I feared that all of the Kerry youth voters would actually remember to vote and their influence would possibly tip the scales to Kerry's side. Of course, I was keeping this buried deep inside my cold, Republican heart, but it was a worry: until the results from the first counties in Kentucky began to flow in and that map was filled with the sweet red tint of victory.
I couldn't help feeling sorry for the Dems, for it wasn't just a win for George Walker Bush, it turned in to a savage trouncing of liberalism by the Republicans in every corner of Washington that night. The Democratic powers were hanging their heads low that night, with incumbent Senate Minority Leader, Tom Dashcle taking a beating by a relatively unknown Republican and ultimately losing seats in both the House and the Senate. It was truly ugly in Democrat land that evening; the mules were all slaughtered, their corpses being left behind to be picked over by the newly appointed Republicans. It is said that Karl Rove's portly silhouette could be seen dancing in the Rose Garden that night. I personally fell asleep with remote in hand awaiting news of John Kerry's concession phone call. Kerry, like the rest of the Democrats, couldn't bring himself to accept defeat until he had a few hours of sleep under his belt-to make sure this night wasn't a dream.
The next afternoon, to the delight of my ears I listened as John Kerry gave his most human speech of the election: his concession speech. After my initial giddiness, I began to feel that tinge of sympathy for Kerry and his cohorts that I had felt the night before. Over a year of hard work trying to discredit your opponent ending up in absolutely nothing, save for a single speech where you admit to failing; few people would be able to handle that kind of public torture and humiliation and survive. It is still a question mark about whether the Democratic Party will survive this crushing blow. Initially the Dems have been quiet about the election and have taken the high road, congratulating the President and giving due props to his team, but you can almost see the blood boiling in their veins every time they're forced to tip their proverbial caps to the GOP.
The biggest concern for the neo-liberals I've spoken with in my travels, is Bush's inevitable nominees for the seat(s) that open on the Supreme Court. To my misguided liberal friends and colleagues, I say this, no group of judges or judge that sees it fit to overturn Roe v Wade will be successful. The only reason Republicans, Bush in this case, even mention the abortion controversy is to secure their more fundamentalist base. Politicians, including President Bush know that there is a snowball's chance in hell of overturning that decision without rioting in the streets. Most Republicans I know, aside from the evangelical set, are prochoice (except when abortion is abused as a method of birthcontrol). So heed my words, abortion is safe, so Democrats will have to find something else to cling to for attention.
I do not mean to gloat or alienate those Democrats out there, but the public has spoken and the majority of the country has pronounced themselves as proud supporters of President Bush. I personally believe that a certain amount of division is healthy and both sides of the coin must be represented in order to maintain a healthy governing mechanism. Perhaps it will be Hillary Clinton and first-lady Bill who take the keys to the White House next time, or Illinois Democratic blue-chipper, Barrack Obama. regardless of who gets the nod to run in 2008, the Dems still have a lot of rebuilding to do. I leave you, my fellow Americans with a greeting at the beginning of four more years of Republican rule and with a moment of silence for Kerry and the Democratic Party.
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